Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Poetry in stitches

I love books, I love knitting, and I love knitting books!! Especially those about Nordic knitting. "Poetry in Stitches" by Solveig Hisdal, is one of my favourite knitting books.

Solveig Hisdal is a Norwegian designer of clothing and textiles. She has visited museums all over Norway in search for inspiration from the past. The results for this knitting book are amazing to me: the designs, the colors, the pictures...

Next to a pattern for a baby-cap and pullover, I even recognised a beautiful lullaby from Hardanger (Byssa, byssa, badne.....). Lovely!

I knitted a top (photo on the right) from her book. I enjoyed this project, I admire the style of this designer. More projects will surely follow!

The model from the book.
The top I knitted.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Don't worry...

WORRYING  does not empty tomorrow of its troubles,
It empties today of its strenghts!
(C. Ten Boom)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dancing in the rain

"LIFE  isnt't  about waiting for the storm to pass,

it's about learning to dance in the rain !"

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A new experience!

Meegaan met de tijd, is dit ook mee-bloggen? Uitproberen is de boodschap! Ben benieuwd...