Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bread - experiment

Bread is very basic food. I always wanted to make bread, I collected some books during years but never made it. Many, many reasons.......

Some weeks ago, I just started with a very simple and basic recipe. Foccacia:

Make a dough of 500 gr flour, 11 g instant-dried yeast , 2 dl (lukewarm) water, 3 tbsp olive oil and some salt. Knead and let it rise for 45 min. After a short kneading and shaping, let it rise again till its volume has doubled. Some seasalt on top with some olive oil and bake it for 15 à 20 min at 225 °C.

Last sunday, I wanted to make bread again: same dough but I shaped it like this:

I was proud of it, and everyone in my family said it tasted good (and looked nice too)!

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